The BIMTech Podcast

Pilot Episode | Updating your Brand and the Importance of Digital Content

BIMTech Media Episode 0

Welcome to The BIMTech Podcast. In this pilot episode, Adam and Ross detail the process and reasoning behind BIMTech starting a podcast. They discuss the importance of keeping a brand fresh, and why digital content is the key to keeping a business relevent. We hope you enjoy this short introduction to BIMTech!

Right. Right. Here we are. The... We're on. We're here. This is the first of many BIMTech podcasts. I'm Adam. And I'm Ross And we are the BIMTech media side of of the business. The best side of the business The best side of the business Some have said. The side that comes up with stuff like this. And, pretty much, this podcast was a culmination of ideas and essentially not just ideas but sort of being put in a position where we were coming to the end of what this division of the company actually did, which was create training. Yeah. Which we've been doing for about three years now, maybe two or three years through COVID, which was like the perfect time to start the training scheme that we did, which is all online e-learning. and that's when you came in and yeah, pretty much for the last three years we've been developing training and then near the end of 2023 or near the middle of 2023, really, we came to a point where it was starting to slow down and we had to sort of diversify, so we ended up thinking, well, what else are we good at as a Media department? And that is design and... Yeah, exactly. creation, I suppose. Yeah. Creating content. Yeah, just a way of like, how can we use our skills and the equipment that we've sort of amassed over the last three years that we've been using for the training. Yeah. And yeah, it seems like everyone's just really down for a podcast. Everyone wants to do one and everyone’s really excited about doing it and... Well it’s one of those big things is it. Podcasts at the minute, they're in, they've been in for a while. I do think when we were starting to do all the brand updates because this is what this podcast is going to focus on a little bit is we started rebranding the company because it hadn't been rebranded in what was it like seven years? Yeah however old that website was... Yeah, well, I don't know if anyone's ever been on our website. Maybe some of our clients have. it doesn't really show us as the company we are in terms of the size of it, I guess. Because well, when you started, were we just bringing in the Glasgow office then? Or was that not even a thing when you started, like four years ago? Maybe it was. I remember the York office was very new as well. Oh yeah. There was a York office. Yeah. But yeah... Lost to time now. Lost to time. but yeah, now we have a Glasgow office with nearly as many people as the Manchester office. And a Hungarian office in Szeged. So, you know. With five plus people. Yeah. Yeah. One of those being... Keeps growing. Zoltan, who worked in Manchester, and with COVID and stuff, had to go back to Hungary to be with his family. And... it all worked out in the end really. so that's what this podcast is going to focus on today is media specifically taking it upon ourselves to start rebranding the company and start to show it off as it is. And that included a website that we've been working with Pixelkicks on developing. Paris, who may or may not be on this podcast at some point, hopefully. Paris Wharton. Yeah. He's the one who's doing all the rebrand in terms of like the videography, and just giving everything a bit of a lease of life and modernising the look. Yeah. Which has been informed by Luke from Pixelkicks who has been brilliant. So yeah, I mean we, we're now in the process of... Well we've released, what it's looking like. We're just starting to get to that point of the build of the website, which will hopefully come out this year and It's just been, quite a quick and pretty exciting journey, to be honest. Yeah, it's kind of weird how the training has sort of been our bread and butter for the last three years. However long BIMTech Media has been active. And then suddenly we were just in a position where we were like, Wow, we've got to think of something else quick. Yeah. And it was just so apparent how much BIMTech sort of needed a rebrand to sort of reflect how successful it is and how big they are now. Yeah. And it just, I think BIMTech deserves to be seen in that way as a sort of contemporary, dynamic company, that sort of cares about it’s image and is seen to care about it’s employees because it's, I mean, it's a medium sized company, but it's still quite a small, tight knit team of people who work very hard. Yeah. And this rebrand is a way to sort of share, the office environment and the relationships we all have to each other and how the team works and how BIM works. And it's all just a big, you know, it's an introduction of BIMTech to the world effectively. Yeah. I mean BIM as a just a word itself. I don't know how many people know what it stands for, but if you don't, it stands for Building Information Modelling And the whole point of the company is we are modeling the building services that go within the building. So we're sort of like modeling the heartbeat of the building before it goes to site to minimize those costs and problems. When it comes to it. We’ll use this platform to really home in on BIM and it's quite niche. We think it could probably help a lot of people within the construction industry to get a bit more of a grasp on it because it is a niche subject. And... that’s one of the things that we will be having podcasts on is BIM. Matts talked about having other things happening on the podcast because obviously it's going to be a bit tiresome to talk about BIM all the time. We want to focus on, like Ross said, the culture of the business. And bear in mind the three offices are in different parts of, you know, technically the world. I mean Glasgow’s in the UK, which isn't too far away from Manchester, but it's still a different culture. There’s a culture in Manchester. There’s a big football culture in Manchester and Scotland. Yeah. And we've got a guy in Scotland called Scott who has a podcast, so he talks to ex footballers and it'd be really cool to be able to do that on here because obviously in Manchester it's a big culture, football. and then probably just culture in the office as well I think is an important thing to focus on. So I think we’ve got someone on the line to come in and talk about health in the office, which is really important when you’re sitting at desk all day. And also I think clients as well. Maybe when they're in, we can talk about projects or just, you know, whatever's taking their interests at the moment. And then, employees from the office talk about their sort of journey with BIMTech and stuff like that. Yeah, it's going to be good. Get some good information. Yeah. Good content. So this podcast right now is going to be more of a quick one. We don't want to bore too much, but it's just to say this is the new space that we’re using. It used to be, I believe before we did the training, it used to be for scanners and printers. when the training started, we needed an area to put a green screen and some kit. So we repurpose this area and then when it was finished, it was sort of disused, wasn't it? So we took it upon ourselves to not only make it a workable space too, but to make it look really nice so that when clients come in, it's a talking point, it's something interesting. And... You couldn't say this wasn't a studio looking at this. Yeah. This is literally in the office of BIMTech in Manchester. It's a little tiny nook. I don't know if you can hear anyone, but there's people working around there. So I think that's... Beyond our feet is the management area of the office. Yeah. So, you know, it's an intimate space. It's nice to have it within the office as well, and it's just something extra for content. And we talked about this together, but it's one of those things where we believe that content is really important within businesses now. You've got to be seen to be active, you've got to be seen to be cutting edge I suppose in some ways. And this was our idea to to start that journey in creation of content, because that was what was stagnant in the first place with the website and the social media’s and whatever it was. I think the last social post... Yeah, we just had no online presence at all. I think the last social post was like five years ago on the website, and no projects had been updated on the website either. So it doesn't show us as the company that we are. We’ve done so many projects now. And I totted them up recently to start inputting them into the website and it's like 40 I think, something like that. So that is why we came in and decided to change up what we do. And so far it's been really successful and we're excited for, for more stuff to come out. I mean, we're going to be trying to get more footage of site visits, sites in general and trying to put together some videos that just highlight what we actually do when we’re going to site and what we do in the office. Paris’ video will really give you an overall look at what BIM is in a really simple way. Across all the offices. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So this podcast episode is just to highlight the importance, we think, because we became... A sort of consultancy within the business. Like a... What do you call it? A design consultancy Like a mediator between Pixelkicks who are designing the website and BIMTech itself. And I think that’s important to have with a sort of maybe medium sized company who cares about their image but they don't exactly know what they want. And it's good to have people on the inside who have design knowledge, have like a background in this stuff. And... it was just sort of our destiny I think, as BIMTech Media to sort of take that as the next step after the training because it was like, we have the skills, we have the technology, We have the technology. We have the technology! And we could easily just take that role and be those people for BIMTech. And I think we've ended up, well, we will end up with an amazing website. Oh yeah! That is really cutting edge and a kind of, online social media presence that's distinctive and it kind of shows the company for what it is. And we can't really see many of the companies like this in the BIM sector or the construction sector who have taken this approach. But it definitely makes the company seem more personable and, approachable. Yeah. All good stuff. Yeah, I think that's what we set out to do, was create the branding and the website to last another ten years at the most maybe or minimum because of how long it had been since we had actually updated it. But that's it. I mean, you hit the nail on the head there. Like, management have more important things a lot of the time to think about, you know, the money coming in, the tendering, just the, you know, keeping all the staff happy and the jobs running. You know, I know Matt specifically and some of the other directors would really like to focus on that kind of stuff, but there's just no time to do it for them. So that's why, like Ross said, a design consultancy is important within a business because we can focus on things that kind of make people excited in a way. I think... Yeah. it keeps people's morale going, you know, manager wise and director wise because we're showing off what they're doing and it's in a cool way and it really gives, I think it always gives a new lease of life to a brand. Yeah, exactly. I think that's the most, you know, the most exciting way to put it is. I think if any businesses are out there and feeling like they are being a bit left behind in the design side or just like I guess having a presence somewhere and monitoring all that, I think it's important to, you know, get a design consultancy in, or even just ask some questions to a design consultancy about what can be done. I mean, that was how this started was just, me and Ross getting our heads together and just working out, what are our strengths and what can a design team do to really improve a business like this in the construction sector and this was, this is what we came to. Wasn’t it? Yeah. People love podcasts and yeah, it gives a chance for the employees as well to get involved with something like this, something that the company does outside of like, the work itself. Yeah. I think it's important to have things on the side of the business side of stuff that keep people, you know, interested in things. I mean, when we set this podcast area up, people were instantly in here Yeah. Just asking questions. Just like, “oh whatcha doing?” Yeah, some people were sat in here, I think Khash came in and pretended to be Joe Rogan. Yeah. So, you know, I think it creates a bit of a buzz. People don't know what's going on. so yeah, I think it definitely is one of those important things, design within businesses to try and diversify. because you know, there's other businesses that I know that, employees say like, why don't we have something like this? You know, because people just don't have the time. Yeah, it just is that thing... It’s always an after thought. Well, Ross personally spec’d up all the kit, the mics and stuff. He designed the area and Ross came from a music design background didn’t you? Oh, hey up someone’s coming round. You can come round if you want, it’s alright. You’re live!! Hello. Voiceover Ross here. It was at this point that some of the other folks in the office had finished working and we're curious to see what we were getting up to. We have more or less reached the end of the podcast anyway, so we just took the opportunity to get some cool shots of the whole podcasting set up, while they had a go at their own mini podcast. So this was just a pilot episode where we were trying some things out to see what look good so we can improve our process for future episodes. But we thought, why not kick off this podcast with the creators explaining how it came about in the first place? Stay tuned because there's plenty more to come from interviews with clients and experts to our own staff. We're looking forward to it and we hope you are too. Thank you for watching and listening. If you're watching this on YouTube, please like and subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when a new episode comes out. If you're listening to this on Spotify, please follow the podcast and make sure to follow BIMTech Engineering on LinkedIn and Instagram as well for any future updates and we'll see you next time.